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Safety of Minors in University Programs

University of Utah Safety of Minors  Participating in University Programs or Programs held on University Premises

Effective July 1, 2016 youth programs are required to adhere to University Policy 1-015 Safety of Minors.

The Safety of Minors policy was created to provide for the safety and protection of Minors who are participating in University sponsored or co-sponsored programs, or programs operated by non-University entities on University Premises. This policy applies to all members of the University community, including all employees, interns, and students, and also to all volunteers, contractors, vendors, Authorized, and other individuals who use University Premises.


Program Administration

For questions regarding the Safety of Minors Policy, you may contact Youth Protection and Program Support (YPPS).  YPPS serves the wider campus to help programs understand the Safety of Minors Policy and provide guidance to bring them into compliance. By providing resources and training, YPPS and the University of Utah are committed to creating a safe, educational environment to the 50,000+ minors participating in University sponsored programs.


Reporting Violations of the Safety of Minors Policy:

Reporting obligations extend to all University employees, students, volunteers, and Authorized Adults, whether or not they are involved in a Covered Program.

  • Utah State law includes a mandatory reporting obligation that requires any person who “has reason to believe” that a Minor has been subjected to abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse, to immediately notify the Utah State Office of Child and Family Services or a law enforcement agency. Utah Code Ann. § 62A-4a-403.

Office of Child and Family Services
Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:   1-855-323-DCFS (3237) 

  • University policy mandates reporting consistent with state law obligations.  In addition to state-law-mandated reporting, reports of known or suspected child abuse or neglect by Authorized Adults and/or on University Premises or violations of the Code of Conduct set forth in this policy, related rules or other University policies shall also be made to the University’s OEO.  The OEO shall conduct an investigation or inquiry of allegations, and make recommendations in accordance with state law and University policies.

Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (OEO)
383 South University Street, Level 1 OEO Suite
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 581-8365 


Last Updated: 3/20/25