Supportive Measures
What are Supportive Measures?
Supportive Measures are individualized services that provide support or are protective to a Complainant or Respondent, but cannot be disciplinary in nature to others. Supportive Measures may include counseling, safety planning, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modification of work or class schedules, campus escort services, policy changes, mutual restrictions on contact between the Parties, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, increased security services and monitoring of certain areas of the campus and other similar measures. Supportive measures can also be protective measures. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access of a Party to the University's education Programs and Activities without unreasonably burdening the other Party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all Parties, or deter Sexual Misconduct.
Does a Formal Complaint have to be filed to receive Supportive Measures?
No. A Formal Complaint does not have to be filed to obtain supportive measures. Supportive measures can be provided before or after the filing of a Formal Complaint or when no Formal Complaint has been filed.
What if I want to change my University-provided housing?
Both Complainants and Respondents may be able to seek reasonable changes to their housing when related to an issue of discrimination and/or sexual misconduct.
I'm having trouble in class; can you help me?
Yes. Both Complainants and Respondents may be able to seek academic adjustments related to an issue of discrimination and or sexual misconduct.
Can the University move a Respondent from a class or residence hall as a supportive measure for the complaint during an investigation?
Removing someone from a class or from a residence hall can be seen as disciplinary. Because supportive measures cannot be disciplinary, these are not offered as supportive measures. That being said, there may be other ways that OEO can offer support in these situations. For example, the OEO can work with a college and professor to assure separation in a course; OEO can work with Housing and Residential Education to review use of shared spaces. If someone does wants to remove someone from a class or a residence hall, an OEO Formal Complaint process that finds that discrimination policy was violated can lead to discipline – including removing someone from certain areas of campus.
Finally, there may be some exceptions such as if a Respondent has been administratively suspended (students) or placed on administrative leave (employees) or if the Respondent agrees to a supportive measure.
No Contact Directives
What is a No Contact Directive?
A No Contact Directive (NCD) is a type of supportive measure that can be requested by a member of the University community experiencing discrimination or sexual misconduct. NCDs are administrative tools used by the University to tell one person to not have contact with another. Although there are a few different University offices who can issue NCDs, including Office of the Dean of Students and Human Resources, here, we are discussing NCDs related to behaviors reported to OEO. As a supportive measure, an NCD is not disciplinary, but if someone violates an NCD, it can be addressed through a conduct process. Each NCD will outline specific terms, and generally it limits contact directly, indirectly, through third parties, social media, electronic means, etc. An NCD does not require an OEO Formal Complaint process, although it can also be issued through that process. An NCD may also be issued as an accommodation, an interim measure, or a remedy following a disciplinary proceeding.
What should I do if I receive an NCD?
If you receive an NCD, please read the NCD carefully for its specific directives. As a neutral office, OEO is available to assist with NCD navigation. Both parties are expected to support the success of the NCD. If you feel that any party is not supporting its success, please contact our office. You may also find that offices like the Student Counseling Center and the Employee Assistance Program can provide support in these situations. If you feel you have also experienced discrimination or sexual misconduct, you can report this to the OEO. At that time, you can review your options with OEO which can include requesting an NCD.
Who can request a No Contact Directive?
Anyone affiliated with the University who has experienced discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation can request a No Contact Directive.
What should I do if I believe a No Contact Directive has been violated?
You can report to OEO or any other office that was included on the NCD.
Whenever an NCD is issued, the NCD should identify where to report a violation of the NCD, or you can report to OEO.
What is the process for me to request a No Contact Directive?
As with any Supportive Measure, you can contact:
- Office of Equal Opportunity (not confidential)
- Office of the Dean of Students (not confidential)
- Victim Survivors Office (confidential)
- University Police Department, Crime Victim Advocate (not confidential)