Is retaliation prohibited?
Retaliation against individuals for engaging in activities protected under University Policy 1-012 is prohibited. No person may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege protected under the University’s nondiscrimination policy or because the individual has made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation proceeding or hearing under this Policy or its associated Regulations.
If the retaliation I'm facing doesn't fall under OEO, are there other offices that
can help?
OEO can only take retaliation reports related to discrimination or sexual misconduct. If you feel you have experienced retaliation for a reason not related to discrimination or sexual misconduct, you may be able to work with another office. Other offices/policies that may assist with retaliation reports:
- HR policies regarding grievance process and egregious conduct
- Violence in the workplace
- Research misconduct
- Safety of Minors
- Abusive Conduct
- Whistleblower
Can a supervisor or anyone else retaliate against me for having complained to the
No, the University’s discrimination policies prohibit retaliation. That means that someone cannot harass, bully, intimidate or threaten you for taking part in an OEO process – and this includes reporting or bringing information to OEO. If you feel this has happened, you can contact our office and we can work with you to explain your options – which include an option to file a complaint with OEO.