Reporting & Mandatory Reporting
Can administrators, supervisors, or faculty members keep my complaint of sexual harassment to themselves?
Administrators, supervisors, and faculty members are required under University policy to inform the OEO of all reports of discrimination or sexual misconduct. University employees that are classified as confidential, are not required to report to OEO but may have other reporting obligations.
A staff or faculty member said they have to report to OEO, what can I expect?
A member of the OEO will email the Complainant to connect that person to resources as well as provide information on OEO options. It is your decision whether or not you work with the OEO. In some cases, OEO may need to partner with other offices to assure that the behavior has stopped.
Will the person I reported know that I reported them?
In many cases, the Respondent will not know that a report has been made about them. Privacy and is very important to the OEO, and we will endeavor to respect all requests for confidentiality, however, depending on the severity of the reported behavior, the University may need to take steps to address the behavior which may include the Respondent either identifying or believing they have identified the person responsible for reporting the behavior, even if names are not disclosed.
The Formal Complaint process is the University process for holding someone accountable under the University’s Nondiscrimination policy. If a Formal Complaint is filed, the Respondent must be given notice of the allegations and an opportunity to respond. In most, but not all cases, an investigation will require the participation of the Complainant and include enough details such as the Complainant’s name and what happened, the location, and when the behavior happened.
What am I required to report?
- Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation
- Safety of Minors violations
- Reports of abuse involving minors or vulnerable adults or pose significant safety risks to the campus community may require reporting to law enforcement.
How do I report discrimination or sexual misconduct involving myself or another person?
Phone: 801-581-8365
Physical Address: 383 University Street, Level 1 OEO Suite, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
What happens when a report is submitted to OEO?
When OEO receives a report, it reviews the information and then, if a Complainant (person who is reported to have experienced discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation), then typically the OEO will send an outreach email sharing information about 1) Supportive Measures; and 2) options for addressing the behavior through an OEO process or law enforcement. The Complainant always has the right to decide whether to participate in an OEO process or with law enforcement. The Complainant is not required to respond or engage in our office, but we encourage individuals to reach out to our office with questions or to learn about options.
What is the difference between a report and a Formal Complaint?
A report is information provided to the OEO office, allowing the University to reach out to the individuals who experienced the behavior to offer our support and review options. The large majority of issues known to OEO are “reports.” A Formal Complaint is the initiation of OEOs formal process. Formal complaints can be resolved through informal resolution [LINK] or through an investigation, which can include a hearing. Please click here for more information on investigations and hearings.
A student informs a faculty member they had an abusive relationship with another student in the past but gave assurances there was no continuing abuse. Am I required to report this?
How can I explain my OEO Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities to my class, team, or other group?
The University of Utah is committed to fostering a positive and welcoming learning, working, and living environment. Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination and Retaliation are prohibited by University Policy. Faculty and staff, including [name of office] have a responsibility to inform the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO) when made aware of incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and related retaliation, to ensure that individuals who have experienced discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct are informed about receiving support and options for addressing the misconduct through University and/or criminal processes. Incidents may come to the attention of faculty and staff in any way, including through face-to-face conversations, admissions or scholarship applications or essays, a written class assignment or paper, class discussion, email, text, or social media post. This obligation applies regardless of where or when an incident occurred, including if it occurred off campus and/or before they were a member of the campus community. Additional information can be found on the OEO website or you may contact or 801-581-8365. If you wish to seek support confidentially, please contact the Victim-Survivor Advocates 801-581-7776 or
What is the interrelationship between the University's nondiscrimination policy and other University policies?
When an issue is reported to OEO, it may also implicate other University policies. The OEO works collaboratively with other offices and may refer issues to the Office of the Dean of Students, Human Resources, and the Office for Faculty and to the Racist and Bias Response Team (RBIRT), Behavioral Intervention Team, as well as other appropriate offices.